News / Activities
On this page you find information on recent activities, publications and presentations within the research project.
Latest presentations and articles in press
September 2022, together with Dr Cornelia Gruber: “Centering Migrant’s Knowledge Production in Collaborative Research – Towards A Reverse Ethnomusicology?“ – European Seminar in Ethnomusicology ESEM, Graz, Austria, September 2022. LINK
July 2022: “Syrian musicians in Vienna: The complexity of class in urban musical life” – International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) World Conference, Lissabon, Portugal, July 2022. Conference Website
March 2022: Article on the research project in the Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse.
November 2021: Anja Brunner takes part in a round table on music and migration (“Musik und Migration – Weltmusik am Beispiel Wien”), Sargfabrik Wien. LINK
Recent publications
Brunner, Anja (2022): „Popular Music, Forced Migration, and the Welcome Culture in Germany and Austria“. In Transformational Pop, edited by Christoph Jacke, Beate Flath and Manuel Troike (~Vibes – The IASPM D-A-CH Series 2). LINK
Brunner, Anja (in print, 2022): „On the Need to Overcome Westernization and the Idea of Western Music: Towards a Post-Western Musical Scholarship.“ In Branding ‚Western Music‘, edited by María Careres, Alberto Napoi and Melanie Strumbl. Peter Lang Verlag.
Brunner, Anja (in print, 2022): „Schlüsselbegriff Postkolonialismus“. In Musik und Migration. Ein Theorie- und Methodenhandbuch, edited by Wolfgang Gratzer, Nils Grosch and Ulrike Präger. Münster: Waxmann.
Brunner, Anja (accepted, 2023): “Our songs are shreds of memories” – Interview with the musicians Basma Jabr and Orwa Saleh. In Musik, Erinnern und kulturelles Gedächtnis – Music, Remembering, and Cultural Memory, edited by Cornelia Gruber and Michael Fuhr. Hildesheim: Olms.
Brunner, Anja und Hannes Liechti (Hrsg.) (2021): Pop–Power–Positions. Globale Beziehungen und Populäre Musik. IASPM D-A-CH. Online unter: (~Vibes – The IASPM D-A-CH Series 1)
Recent presentations and talks
Poster presentation at the Klausur der Wissenschaften, University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, May 2022. LINK
„The Structure of Musicology as Colonial Legacy“, Conference „Narrating Musicology“, University of Bern, Switzerland, September 2021. Conference Website
„Women* Musicians from Syria in Europe: Agency, Intersectionality, and Networks“ Conference Female Leadership in Music, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrad, Juni 2021
„Contesting (Musical) Boundaries: Women Musicians from Syria in Austria and Germany“ – Symposium Transkulturalität_mdw 2021 „Contesting Border Regimes – Sounds and Images“, University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria, May 2021. Conference Website